Independent Cinema Questions

1.           According to the Crash Course video, why do cinema audiences end up with "only reboots and dystopian fantasies"? as it’s a new trend and companies sees that it makes lots of money so they follow that success to make more money.
2.           According to the Crash Course video, what is Classical Hollywood Cinema? Stories where straight forward, shot on sets with backing and funding from big studio companies. Husbands and wives couldn’t sleep in the same bed, the good guys won most of the time, their stories were chased, formulaic and mostly upbeat.
3.           What is high key lighting and who uses it? To make sure that the screen is highly visible, so you can see everything.
4.           What happened in the European Film Industry after WW2? Dictators stop filming when the war started but after they got back to work. Shooting in countries bombed in the war and use them as sets. Lots of films where about the war.
5.           Who was Roberto Rossellini and what did he do? He craved a more raw and authentic style. He directed the first neo-realist film in 1945 in Rome. The film has an extremely rough look, a plot that meanders from character to character.
6.           Which film movement was he associated with? Neo-realist films
7.           What happened in the late 1950s in France? A group of opinionated young film lovers started writing for a movie magazine called cahiers du cinema. In 1959, four of them made their feature film directing debuts. Of the won best director at the Cannes film festival.
8.           What did critics of the Studio System accuse them of? They said that Hollywood films where spoon feeding the audience instead of respecting their intelligence.
9.           Who was Jean-Luc Godard? French new weave director with opinionated views of cinema.
10.        Did Jean-luc Godard admire any Hollywood directors? Elaborate. Orson wells, Alfred Hitchcock. These French film makers saw a filmmaker initially in command of his medium from story to cinematography to editing.
11.        What is the French New Wave?  Describe and name 3 directors and films. Minimal crew and light weight equipment. Advances in camera quality and faster film stoke allowed them to shoot with available natural light.
12.        What happened in the US in 1948 and what effect did it have on their film industry? United states v. paramount pictures. Inc. forced the major film studios to give up they theater chains. This means all kinds of films could be shown and not just what the studio wanted you to see.
13.        What happened in the US in the 1970s? Describe. Tv was more popular, Vietnam was in full swing and policies was at its most violent since the cold war. The studios where in panic.
14.        What do studio executives like? money
15.        Why was Bonnie and Clyde a watershed moment in US film history? it was an American film that was inspired by French new wave. USA hadn’t made a film like this before. Sexual content, bloody violence and casual humor became very popular.
16.        Which other films were made in this period? Films outside the major film studios. Easy Rider- Dennis Hopper, The Graduate- Mike Nichols, Midnight Cowboy- John Schlesinger
17.        What is New Hollywood Cinema? When was it? Name 3 directors and films. Directors where supported by major studios and made films that reached an audience hungry for something new and fresh on screen. Lasted from 1967-1980. Martin Scorsese, Francis ford Coppola, Brian De Diploma
18.        What were Summer Blockbusters? When did they arise? Give 2 examples of directors and films. Their where unexpected success signaled a swing away from the more risky, personal films of the previous decade. Films that where easy to escape in. Steven Spielberg, George Lucas- Star Wars and jaws.
19.        What happened to Hollywood Studios at this time? Studios where being purchased by large multioperation which changed the way the studios worked.
20.        What happened to US Cinema in the 1990s? Describe with examples. 1990 found the new arrivals of independent filmmakers and mini studios. Like Quentin Tarantino, Spike Lee


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